Coaching & Training

Do you (or your team) struggle with any of these?

  • Meetings that feel more like spinning wheels than efficient productivity
  • Email overwhelm and ineffectiveness
  • Presentations that don’t land
  • Company vision that doesn’t permeate the company culture as much as you need it to
  • Sales teams that need more sales (and a more unified story)
  • Slide decks that are more confusing than helpful
  • Speeches that are more dry than inspiring
  • Speeches that don’t land (or are avoided) due to nerves
  • Training that doesn’t lead to implementation

If so...I've got good news!

You and your team can improve every message.

Every meeting.

Every presentation.

Every email.

Every workshop.

Every slide deck.

Every speech.

And it doesn’t have to be complicated. 

In fact…it CAN’T be complicated! 

What is the Complete Communication System™?

Think of the Complete Communication System™ as the intersection of two truths everyone agrees upon:

Truth 1: Improving communication improves…well…everything!

Truth 2: Systems make you (and your team) more efficient AND more effective.

The Complete Communication System™ is a simple, 4-step system that is applicable to every communication scenario – written or spoken.

No one has time for a separate system for email…another for meetings…another for presentations…etc. 

And no one will implement a system that is complicated. 

I keep it simple because…

“Simple gets applied. Complicated gets set aside.”

The Complete Communication System™ is ONE system, with four, simple steps: 

  1. Purpose: Get crystal clear on what you want to accomplish – not just what you want to talk about.
  2. Precision: Make sure all your content is streamlined and accomplishes your Purpose.
  3. Points: Evaluating your points with five questions that guarantee your content is successful, logical, powerful, memorable and engaging.
  4. Process: Once you have the Purpose, Precision, and Points, then – and only then! – it is time to look at how to best present your message…whether the mode of deliver is a meeting, email, presentation, workshop, phone call, etc.

What types of coaching and training do you offer?

There are three types of coaching and training I offer: 

Option 1: Group Training

This can be as simple as a one-off Complete Communication System™ workshop for your team or company. However, many teams opt for multiple group-coaching sessions. The first lays the foundation. Follow-up sessions focus on specific areas of the Process step: 

  • Meetings
  • Email
  • Virtual vs In-Person
  • Public Speaking
  • Written Communication
  • Executive Presence
  • Sales-specific Training
  • And more…

Option 2: Individual Coaching

Some leaders prefer the depth and mastery that comes from  1:1 coaching. When working with individual leaders, the focus is on developing expert-level communication skills in scenarios you are currently working on. 

All of my 1:1 coaching is tied directly to events on your calendar. No “exercises.” Let’s dive in to ensure the meetings and events you already have scheduled are amazing! 

Option 3: Hybrid Training and Coaching

As you might imagine, this is a combination of Options 1 and 2. Group training sessions for your entire group or company. Individual coaching for specific leaders within your organization. 

This is the ideal scenario for groups and companies that want to experience massive improvement and long-term success in the areas of messaging, communication, and personal development. 

In most cases, this is scoped out as a 6-month or full-year program.

If you'd like to explore how I might serve you, your team, or your company, why not schedule a call today?

Simply Communicate is the messaging branch of Keith Ferrin Productions, LLC.​